Monday, October 2, 2017

Tiny loss


It was a public holiday today, not sure what for, Labour Day maybe? We didn't do anything. We talked of going to the beach for a walk along the coast but on a public holiday there would be no parking anywhere. I was feeling pretty awful all day, Tim's been sick on and off too, still not sure if it's hay fever or flu. Both are around! I finished the second of four TAFE assignments I'm working on, had a nap while Tim took the kids to mini golf, pottered a little in the vege patch. Tim had some friends over in the evening while I watched Survivor on TV.

Tim is back at work tomorrow but there is another week of school holidays for me and the kids.

My weight this morning was 77.8 kg, so a tiny loss (300 grams) this week. Better than a gain I guess. I need to see my doctor for another script, but after two lacklustre weeks I'm not sure what to do.

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